5 Small Self-Care Shifts to Start Doing Today to Improve your Health

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I've always been relatively healthy ever since I was little. For example, I was the odd child who usually ordered a salad (with ranch dressing, obviously) or some kind of green veggies whenever I was given the option at a restaurant. It helps that my mom has always been really into health and fitness and taught us early on that we needed to treat our bodies well and in return they would function at optimal capacity. She has since gotten her nutrition degree, so I get tons of solicited and unsolicited advice (love you, mom!) pretty regularly. I, like everyone else, am human and enjoy beer, burgers and fries (and if you follow my photography business on Instagram you will see how human I really am when it comes to enjoying food) but, it's all about balance and moderation, just like everything in life. 

As I've gotten older and have seen the effects of these less-than-healthy choices, I've added a few things to my daily routine that help keep that balance. Because being in balance is a great thing. So here's five small self-care shifts that you can start doing today (or whenever you decide to finally order this stuff since most likely it isn't just sitting around waiting for you) so that you can be in more balance and improve your overall health. 

1. Take a good probiotic

Yes, I know optimal gut health is super unsexy topic but it's so damn important. I swear that since adding probiotic capsules and some kombucha into my diet my gut function has dramatically improved and has kept me healthy. My immune system is so much stronger and helps me fight off the bad germs so much easier with this added to my routine. Now, not all probiotics are treated equal and some have way more microorganisms than others. Make sure to do your own research, talk to your doctor and invest in a good one. I personally like these from Vitacost.

2. Add collagen to your beverage of choice

I'm sure if you're on Instagram you've seen at least a blogger or two talk about all of the amazing benefits of collagen protein. Seriously guys, it's no joke. My skin, hair and nails have never been healthier and I just feel better from the inside out. I add a scoop to my morning coffee and can honestly tell you it's completely tasteless. Easy and doesn't taste like anything? Sign me up! I love the collagen protein peptides from Vital Proteins.

3. Start foam rolling

If you haven't heard of or tried a foam roller before you're missing out, big time. Those babies are magic and absolutely have cut my recovery time after a workout at least in half after using them. Not only are foam rollers a way to give yourself a massage without having to rely on your partner, roommate, dog, etc. or drop tons of money at a massage place every month, but they help with reducing muscle tension, stress, soreness and, well, it just feels really good. Most of the time. Sometimes when you're really sore post-workout it feels like a mini torture session, but I swear the temporary pain is completely worth it once you're done. I picked up an inexpensive one from TJMaxx a few years ago and try to foam roll at least on the days I work out. 

4. Stretch more

This is an obvious one coming from someone who is embarking on yoga teacher training but honestly it's one of the most underrated things you can do. Sit all day in an office or train really hard but don't stop to stretch it all out? Well, your body can't recover as quickly and you'll hold on to all that tension WAY longer than necessary. If you can even spend 5-10 minutes a day to really stretch out you'll see how much less tension you carry around the rest of the day. Plus this is something you can do for free AND can do right now. 

5. Practice mindfulness

Ever noticed how much more stressed you are when you get into your own head and start thinking about the 512 things you have to do still or 99 ways the world could end at any moment? Well, that's because you're focusing on the future (and have a crazy imagination) instead of being present in the current moment. By practicing mindfulness you'll start to slow down and really notice and appreciate the things around you. And not worrying all the damn time lowers cortisol levels, which reduces inflammation in the body. And that is a reallllly good thing. 


It really is that simple and doesn't have to be big dramatic or super expensive things that cause you to hate your life and throw in the self-care towel one day after giving it a try. Small shifts over time add up, and you've got to start somewhere. And of course, the real obvious pieces of self-care advice are making sure you're getting enough sleep, resting, slowing down more and obviously drinking more water. But I'm sure you already know that, or at least now you do. As always, check with your doctor and use your best judgement before making any lifestyle changes if you're not sure if something is right for you. 

Have you tried any of these small shifts yet? I'd love to know, what are some self-care things you do to to improve your health?