September yoga pose of the month: legs up the wall

Legs up the wall yoga pose

Each month I'll break down a different yoga pose including the benefits, how to properly do each pose and ways to modify.

Since it's my birthday month I figured I'd share the benefits of my all time favorite yoga pose. Legs up the wall is one of the most underrated yoga poses but I mention it in every single class. 

Benefits: Legs up the wall helps instantly calm you, resets the circulatory system, helps promote lymphatic flow and blood flow, reduces stress, helps with insomnia, eases low back tension and helps you get so relaxed. 

How to:

  • Find a wall — any wall!

  • Sit next to the wall facing sideways with your one of your hips as close to the wall as possible

  • Turn towards the wall so your glutes are right up against the wall

  • Lower your back to the ground and rest your head on the floor

  • Extend your legs up the wall and rest your heels on the wall

  • Place your hands on your belly or on the ground

  • Roll your shoulders down your back and relax the muscles in your face

  • Close your eyes and hang out for at least 10 minutes to get the full benefits


  • Place a block, pillow, blanket or a rolled up yoga mat under your seat to elevate your pelvis

  • Place a pillow under your head to help you relax

Questions? Let me know in the comments below!